Friday, July 25, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Blew a Fuse.


Another Saturday night.

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
me and alex are here in my house right

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
and we went down to go to the store

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
but as soon as i got down i realized i left my keys

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
and then i was screwed

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
cause my whole family is gone for 3 weeks

alouette  - MOREEE new pictures @ -- pose pose pose says:

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
and I have everything in here

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
and every window has bars, and every door is locked

alouette  - MOREEE new pictures @ -- pose pose pose says:
where r u at now?!

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
and i live in an apartment so I cant exactly climb the walls

alouette  - MOREEE new pictures @ -- pose pose pose says:

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
I'll get to that part

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
so yeah

alouette  - MOREEE new pictures @ -- pose pose pose says:
guess u broke la puerta

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
for about an hour we're sitting outside stressing

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
more fun than that

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
so after a while my guard says hes gonna send the elevator to the 7th floor and turn it off to see if we can climb the elevator shaft to my floor

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
we tried it

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
but it didnt work

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
it was too tall

alouette  - MOREEE new pictures @ -- pose pose pose says:

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
so then me and alex come up with another idea

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
we say we're gonna get into the elevator, and someone is gonna wait outside and watch the number, and when it gets to my floor, he was gonna scream to the other to shut off the elevator, and me and alex we gonna really quickly pull open the doors and jump out

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
so we tried it.

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
and we pulled it off in one try

[ƒ]3®nªNÐo.5² @ Santo Domingo - says:
we jumped out and now im in my apartment chilling, drinking a beer and listening to radiohead


Friday, July 18, 2008


 Although I wasn't able to take the "Street art in the Caribbean" summer course that just finished here in Chavón, the course got me back into a long time interest of mine, graffiti and street artists in general. So I've been going back and checking up on all my favorite street artists, and decided I'd post up some of my personal favorites from one of my favorite artists, Banksy.

I had the privilege of watching "Beautiful Losers" tonight, thanks to the teacher who came to teach the course, great movie, but it doesn't come out for theatrical release until next year, so being able to watch it tonight was a pretty nice gift. Great documentary, and I highly recommend it for anyone who will actually remember its name when it's released.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Right now.

I am bored out of my mind.

Dazed and Confused.

Contorno ciego, Mirielo moving around in circles.
*Contorno Ciego (Blind Contour) is a drawing technique in which you draw purely from observation, no looking at the paper, you draw what you see, moving your hand at the same speed as your eye.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Big, big, Rats.

Chavón rats. They´re vicious. You should see the luggage bag it chewed through to get to these.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

You´ve been cool hunted.

Pretty awesome site, definitely worth wasting some time on. 
Check it out.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

La Plaga.

I´ve been sick this whole week, and have managed to spread it throughout all of Chavón, I´m not proud of it or anything, but I have to admit that I find it pretty interesting. Something about the ability of such a tiny thing to spread so fast. I don´t know.

It´s earned me the nickname "La Plaga".

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Strictly Business.

I've started another blog, for my portfolio pieces. No fun and games, just my best work.



Anyone like the re-design of the page? simple yeah, but it works for me, plus its a thousand times better than my old blog design in my opinion.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Felinnn de la vida.

First week of summer courses in Chavón. I didn't have very high expectations for it, but in the end it was a big surprise, in a good way.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Drunken Padawan

Logan (the drunken master) and Jonathan Schmidt (drawing teacher) talking about ink drawings.

Logan: (with a beer in his hand and about to go draw) The drunken master is going to go draw now. The drunken master has to follow the commands of the drunken masters master. (referring to Jonathan.)
(Logan walks away.)
Jonathan: (Yells to Logan) By the way....thats drunken Padawan, Bitch!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008



Life in Color.

Talking with Logan about being back in Chavón and the lifestyle of a student here.
I said:

 "It´s almost like we´re living in color, everyone still living in black and white."