Friday, July 18, 2008


 Although I wasn't able to take the "Street art in the Caribbean" summer course that just finished here in Chavón, the course got me back into a long time interest of mine, graffiti and street artists in general. So I've been going back and checking up on all my favorite street artists, and decided I'd post up some of my personal favorites from one of my favorite artists, Banksy.

I had the privilege of watching "Beautiful Losers" tonight, thanks to the teacher who came to teach the course, great movie, but it doesn't come out for theatrical release until next year, so being able to watch it tonight was a pretty nice gift. Great documentary, and I highly recommend it for anyone who will actually remember its name when it's released.



mxdelacruz said...

man... im in capcana... painting. since saturday... im posting from da psp. tty in a few..

Odilcita said...

I'm loving banksy more than ever now!